Donating to the Southwest Research and Outreach Center supports agricultural research and outreach initiatives in southwest Minnesota. Your tax-deductible contribution can be directed into specific research and/or outreach programs.
The SWROC Research Gift Fund supports our research and outreach mission, which focuses on enhancing rural vitality, agriculture, and environmental quality in southwest Minnesota. Please fill out the “add special instructions” section if you would like your donation to go to a specific research program or use.
Wally Nelson Crop Production Faculty Endowment
The Wally Nelson Crop Production Faculty Endowment provides ongoing income in support of a faculty position that provides leadership for crop production research, extension, and education programs that support production agriculture throughout southwest Minnesota.
The Southwest Experiment Station fund is discretionary fund that supports SWROC operations and activities that serve the needs of agriculture in southwest Minnesota.
Planned Giving
You can decide now to support the SWROC in the future. Planned gifts may take the form of a simple bequest from a will or living trust, the designation of retirement plan assets, land, or life insurance. Contact us if you'd like more information on planned giving.
We appreciate all of you who generously contribute to our projects and programs. If you have any questions about giving to the SWROC or would like to set up a new fund, please contact us.
Molly Werner Co-Director of Operations
507-752-5062 | [email protected]
Jodie Getting Co-Director of Operations
507-752-5072 | [email protected]
If you prefer to mail in your gift, download and print the gift form for mailing.